Debts Are Owed: Servicing Aging Solar Infrastructure

An Energy Revolution

There’s an energy revolution happening in our country. In fact, a recent report suggests that 40% of homes may be solar-powered by 2035. As we said, it’s a revolution. The rise of catastrophic weather events is forcing homeowners to rethink how their homes are powered, and they’re finding they have options, they have solar options.

Solar Origins

The mainstream residential solar industry dates back to 2005 with the federal solar tax credit and 2007 with the advent of the California Solar Initiative. In that season many solar companies launched, installing massive solar structures on the roofs of homes throughout the state. It was a beautiful time for a burgeoning industry.

But as time passed, these companies eventually faded away along with their warranties and promises to service the solar install. This left homeowners in a tough spot, to borrow the popular proverb, they were “up the creek without a paddle.”

A Predicament For Early Adapters

These early adapters, these frontiersmen and frontierswomen from the early 2000s who took that initial plunge, and really forged the way for solar to become mainstream are finding themselves left high and dry by their initial solar installers.

They are in a difficult situation and it’s a two-edged blade. On one side they’re not able to rely on their initial contacts and then on the other side current solar installers are disinterested in solar system maintenance because they have eyes set on fresh installs — and further, are not interested in getting involved in someone else’s mess.

A Solution For Early Adapters

At SolarRepair we are working to do something different. We do new installs, but we are also positioning ourselves to service those early adapters to help ensure that these solar friends are not abandoned simply because they had the audacity to invest in a new product.

They are in need of our help, and to be frank, a debt is owed. As the landscape goes at this moment, a void exists and we are dead-set determined to fill that void.

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